Liquidity & Yield Farming on Bunny DEX

Bunny DEX facilitates liquidity provisioning, enabling users to contribute their tokens to liquidity pools. These pools support token swaps, and in return, liquidity providers earn yields and rewards. This incentivizes participation and helps maintain a healthy liquidity level on the platform.

Understanding the Risks

Before diving in, it's crucial to be aware of impermanent loss, a common risk associated with liquidity provisioning. Impermanent loss refers to the temporary loss in value of your assets due to price volatility in the tokens you've deposited. Although it's termed "impermanent," the loss can become permanent if you withdraw your funds while the prices are down. Users should weigh this risk against the potential rewards when deciding to provide liquidity.

How to Participate in Liquidity Provision

To become a liquidity provider (LP) on Bunny Protocol, you must deposit an equal value of two tokens into a liquidity pool. Alternatively, setting the price for a new token by being the first to create an LP allows you to receive BUNNY-LP tokens, which represent your share in the pool.

Earning from Swaps

Each swap within your LP's pair generates a 0.25% fee, directly reinvested into the pool. This mechanism enhances the value of BUNNY-LP tokens over time.

Yield Farming Opportunities

Liquidity providers can further engage in yield farming with supported LP tokens. More information on boosted farms and special campaigns will be announced, aiming to foster a community committed to sustained liquidity provision.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Liquidity

  1. Setup Your Wallet: If you haven't already, create an Essentials or MetaMask wallet. Configure it with the Bunny Protocol by following setup guides on the website for seamless integration.

  2. Navigate to Bunny DEX: Access the platform and locate the liquidity pool you wish to join.

  3. Connect Your Wallet: Look for the wallet connection option in the top right corner. Choose your wallet provider (e.g., WalletConnect, MetaMask) and connect.

  4. Go to the Liquidity Page: Here, you'll find options related to liquidity provisioning.

  5. Select 'Add Liquidity': Input equal amounts of the two tokens you wish to pair. The platform will balance them at the current market price.

  6. Contribute to the Pool: Enter the amount for the tokens you're contributing. The platform calculates the equivalent value for each based on current rates.

  7. Confirm Your Contribution: Review and confirm the transaction. You'll deposit your tokens into the pool and receive LP tokens as a receipt of your contribution.

By following these steps, you'll successfully participate in the liquidity ecosystem of Bunny DEX, ready to earn rewards and contribute to the platform's liquidity.

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