Bunny Token: The Heart of Bunny Protocol

Launched in March 2022 on the Elastos Smart Chain, the $BUNNY token represents an evolution from the previous $BUN token, embodying the utility and governance within the Bunny Protocol ecosystem. This launch marked a significant upgrade, with $BUN holders benefiting from an airdrop at a 1:21 ratio.

Role and Utility of $BUNNY

The $BUNNY token is designed to be the cornerstone of the Bunny Protocol DEX, serving multiple key functions:

  • Utility Token: It acts as the primary medium of exchange, facilitating transactions and interactions within the ecosystem.
  • Governance Token: $BUNNY holders have the opportunity to shape the future of the Bunny Protocol by participating in governance decisions through BunnyDAO.

Governance Through BunnyDAO

Looking ahead, $BUNNY will empower users to engage directly in governance processes, leveraging BunnyDAO to vote on crucial proposals and operational decisions. This decentralized approach ensures that the protocol evolves in alignment with the community's interests and needs.

Integrations and Support

$BUNNY is also supported by leading DeFi platforms on the Elastos Smart Chain:

  • Glide Finance
  • Chainge Finance

This integration across platforms underscores the token's versatility and its integration into the broader Elastos ecosystem.

Contract address

For developers and users interested in interacting directly with the $BUNNY token, the contract address is: 0xd7c28edf5eee9f8668645873169ee208be360e3d48a7ddbe622d8d692e147de4

Stay Connected

To stay updated on the latest developments, participate in the community, or seek support, connect with us through our various channels:

The $BUNNY token is more than just a cryptocurrency; it's a vital part of the Bunny Protocol ecosystem, enabling decentralized governance, facilitating transactions, and empowering users to contribute to the protocol's future direction.

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