
To ensure our ecosystem remains effective and stays on track with DeFi innovation, cross-chain interoperability for capital transfer between Elastos and other platforms is crucial.

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Identifying Barriers to Entry in the Elastos Ecosystem

The recent surge in interest and activity surrounding Elastos has shed light on a key barrier within our ecosystem. While many purchased Elastos Main Coins (EMC) on exchanges like KuCoin, where the ELA native token is available, a significant majority acquired them on platforms like Coinbase or Uniswap, opting for the ERC20 variant. Consequently, newcomers found themselves grappling with questions on how to access the ESC ecosystem, where the real action unfolds.

The Predominant Inquiries: Bridging and Swapping Challenges

Bridging and swapping became the predominant inquiries. Despite having a robust mechanism for bridging from EMM to ESC, many encountered challenges bridging from ETH to ESC or found the process too cumbersome to undertake. This realization prompted us, as a long-standing project within the Elastos community, to devise a solution.

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Introducing Our Simplified Bridge Solution for Elastos

Our bridge simplifies access to Elastos dApps, such as Glide and Elacity, and hopefully many more to come. Thanks to the inbuilt aggregator, our bridge facilitates capital transfers from various chains, including Elastos, Ethereum, and many more.

Enhanced User Experience Through Aggregator Functionality and Cross-Chain Swapping

In addition to its aggregator functionality, the bridge allows cross-chain swapping. This means users can seamlessly swap tokens while transferring them between chains with just one click. This feature streamlines the trading experience, making it more user-friendly and seamless.

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